Letters to and from
Wolfgang Faber Capito
The purpose of the Electronic Capito Project is to provide the text of letters from and to Wolfgang Capito which are either unpublished or have been published before 1850 and are therefore difficult to access. The transcriptions should be regarded as a work in progress. Corrections and suggestions are welcome.
The website is part of a larger editorial and translation project aimed at making the correspondence of Capito available to an English readership in conventional printed form. The first three volumes are now available in print: The Correspondence of Wolfgang Capito. Volume 1: 1507-1523, translated and edited by Erika Rummel, with the assistance of Milton Kooistra (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2005); The Correspondence of Wolfgang Capito. Volume 2: 1524-1531, translated and edited by Erika Rummel, with the assistance of Milton Kooistra (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2009); The Correspondence of Wolfgang Capito. Volume 3: 1532-1536, translated by Erika Rummel and annotated by Milton Kooistra (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2015). The fourth and final volume, covering the years 1537 to 1541, is currently underway.
The Capito Project is headed by Erika Rummel, Professor Emerita of History, Wilfrid Laurier University, and is supported by a grant of the Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC). For further information on the project, contact Milton Kooistra or Nathan Ron.