Links to Texts: 1526

Letter 271: 1 January 1526, Ulrich Zwingli to Capito

Letter 272: 15 January 1526, Capito to Ulrich Zwingli

Letter 273: 23 January 1526, Capito to Johannes Oecolampadius

Letter 274: 28 January 1526, Capito to Ulrich Zwingli

Letter 275: 29 January 1526, Capito to Ulrich Zwingli

Letter 276: 3 February 1526, Capito to Ulrich Zwingli

Letter 277: [24 February 1526], Capito and his Colleagues to the Strasbourg City Council

Letter 278: 7 March 1526, Capito to Ulrich Zwingli

Letter 279: 14 March 1526, Capito to Jacob Sturm

Letter 280: [End of March 1526], Capito and Matthew Zell to the Christian Reader

Letter 281: [After 26 February, and before 12 March 1526], Capito and his Colleagues to the Strasbourg City Council

Letter 282: 4 April 1526, Capito to Ulrich Zwingli

Letter 283: 7 April [1526], Capito to Nikolaus Prugner

Letter 284: 16 April 1526, Capito to Ulrich Zwingli

Letter 285: 16 May 1526, Capito to Ulrich Zwingli

Letter 286: 23 May 1526, The Strasbourg Preachers to Johannes Fabri

Letter 286a: [c. 23 May 1526], Capito to the Reader

Letter 287: 3 June 1526, The Strasbourg Preachers to Johannes Fabri

Letter 287a: [7 June 1526, Baden], The Strasbourg preachers to the Reader, plus the response of Johannes Fabri to the Strasbourg Preachers

Letter 287b: [Summer 1526, Capito to the Reader]

Letter 288: [10 June 1526], Capito to Nikolaus Prugner

Letter 289: 11 June 1526, Capito to Conrad Pellicanus

Letter 290: 11 June 1526, Capito to Ulrich Zwingli

Letter 291: 28 June 1526, The delegates of the 12 Cantons to Capito

Letter 292: 8 July 1526, Capito to the delegates of the 12 Cantons at Baden

Letter 293: 8 July 1526, Capito to the Cantons of the Swiss Confederation

Letter 294: 8 July 1526, Capito to the Mayor, Adelberg Meyger, and the Basel City Council

Letter 295: 8 July 1526, Capito to Ludwig Baer

Letter 296: 8 July 1526, Matthew Zell and the Strasbourg Preachers to Andreas Osiander

Letter 297: 24 July 1526, Capito to Ulrich Zwingli

Letter 298: 28 July 1526, Capito to the Counsellors of Albert of Brandenburg

Letter 298a: [Summer 1526], Capito to the Reader

Letter 299: 2 August 1526, Capito to the Reader

Letter 300: 13 August 1526, Capito to the Diet of Speyer

Letter 301: 15 August 1526, Capito to Georgius Spalatinus

Letter 302: 18 August 1526, Capito to Ulrich Zwingli

Letter 303: 25 August [1526], Capito to Ambrosius Blaurer

Letter 304: 26 September 1526, Capito to Ulrich Zwingli

Letter 305: 14 October 1526, Capito to [Adam Kraft]

Letter 306: 17 August 1526, Capito to Ulrich Zwingli

Letter 307: 25 October 1526, Guillaume Farel to Capito and Martin Bucer

Letter 308: 8 November 1526, Capito to Matthäus Alber

Letter 309: 12 November 1526, Capito to Ulrich Zwingli

Letter 310: 14 November 1526, Capito to Ulrich Zwingli

Letter 311: 29 November 1526, Ulrich Zwingli to Johannes Oecolampadius and the Strasbourg Preachers

Letter 312: 10 December 1526, Capito to Ulrich Zwingli

Letter 313: [18 December] 1526, Ulrich Zwingli [and Johannes Oecolampadius] to Capito and Martin Bucer

Letter 313a: 19 December 1526, Strasbourg, Capito to the City Council of Mulhouse

Letter 314: 26 December 1526, Capito and Johannes Oecolampadius to Ulrich Zwingli

Letter 315: [December 1526], Capito to Peter Butz

Letter 316: [1526/1527], Michael Sattler to Capito and Martin Bucer

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